Returns, Replacements & Refund

Merchandise may be returned in a new, unused condition within 15 days of purchase. Special orders, drop ships, bits, custom merchandise, or "free shipping" orders may not be returnable or may be subject to a minimal restocking fee. Alaska and Hawaii orders are available for return at the buyer's responsibility for shipping and any other accrued charges. If your order includes a free item and the order (in whole or in part) is returned Then the free item will be part of the return item as well.

Returns Procedure:

Please quote the following details when contacting us:

Your order number.
Your name and address.
The date of purchase.
Product description or code.
Reason for return.

Refunds and exchanges cannot be provided until the goods have been received and checked by us. Refunds will be processed within 3 working days of items being received and checked.